Poulstrup Friskole belongs to the free elementary schools in Denmark.
As a result, we receive a subsidy per student corresponding to approx. 70 per cent of the expenses of having a student attending primary school. The rest of the school's income comes from the school payments paid by the parents.
Prices from January 1st, 2025
School payment:
(The month of July is free of charge)
Schoold payments are paid in advance and are due the first day of each month. A reminder is forwarded upon overdue payment.
(The month of July is free of charge)
Full day:
SFO-club 4th grade:
School + SFO (full day):
Every year per January the first the price will increase by 3%
Pupils for future 0th grade who are guaranteed a place at the school will be charged a deposit equivalent to two months' school fees.
The deposit thus covers school fees for August and September in 0th grade.If the SFO is used, there will be a separate charge for this part when the pupil has started school.
Collection of the deposit takes place in October of the year before the start of school.
If the student is enrolled later than October, the charge will be made immediately after enrollment.