Here, you get an overview of kindergarten payments as well as possibilities for financial aid and sibling discounts.
Payment for nursery in 2019:
1 full day spot - 2,615 DKK per month
1 part time* spot - 1,845 DKK per month
*a part time spot equals child care from 7.45 AM - 12.45 PM every day
(The month of July is free of charge)
Financial aid:
You can apply for financial aid to covering daycare payments according to municipal regulations. For more information click here. Please note that you can only receive financial aid in regards to future daycare payments, and that financial aid is not applicable in regards to previous payments.
Sibling discounts:
A discount can be obtained when a child has other siblings in the nursery or kindergarten.
You get a 50 per cent discount on the cheapest daycare option and pay full price for the most expensive option.
Discounts are applicable for biological siblings and adopted siblings.
Children of parents with joint custody are considered as siblings in regards to the parent with whom they are registered to live with according to the national register.
For more information click here.