Financial aid to cover school payments and SFO payment
You can apply for financial aid in regards to covering your children’s school and SFO payments at Poulstrup Friskole & Børnehus, but there are certain conditions that must be met in order for you to be eligible for financial aid.
The form must be completed and handed to the school by September 1st.
Income limits:
If the parents are married to each other and / or have a shared registered address or joint residence, both parents must complete and sign the application form.
If the parents are divorced, separated or not married to each other and do not share a registered address or residence, the application form must be completed and signed by:
In other words, if parents have joint custody, both parents' signatures are only necessary if the parents live together or are married to one another.
The application form for financial aid can be downloaded for print here: Download application form
Further information can be found at
If you have any further questions, you are always more than welcome to contact Poulstrup Friskole & Børnehus.