At Poulstrup Friskole, we currently have 155 students enrolled from kindergarten class to the 10th grade, which corresponds with our aim of having a maximum of 20-22 students per class. Our students are taught in the same subjects that are known from the municipal primary schools, and our free school meets the same educational requirements as regular primary schools. In addition, we offer both 9th and 10th grade graduation.
Before and after school, students from kindergarten class to the 4th grade can use our leisure time care facility (SFO), which is located in the old janitor residence next to the school. Occasionally, our club-SFO will arrange different activities such as handball, dance and football.
Our value foundation based on trust, community, respect, responsibility and well-being is reflected in the relationship between our teachers, students and parents as well as in the relationship between students across different grades. This way, we ensure that our students are enjoying attending school in a safe environment, which promotes our students’ personal and professional development.
H.C. Andersen wrote: "To travel is to live" – which we aspire to conform to by traveling to see the world. As a result, financial funds are available for all classes in regards to field trips. Our younger students travel within the Danish borders, whereas the older students travel abroad once or twice a year - providing them with a greater insight into the rest of the world. At the same time, we reach out to the local community by seeking cooperation with both businesses and associations, in order to introduce our students to life outside the school bench.
To learn more about the everyday life at Poulstrup Friskole & Børnehus, feel free to read our news or to visit our Facebook page, where we post pictures regularly.